Scholarly Learning Academic Coaching and Tutors Empower Students to Succeed!

Meet Dr. Peter Arthur
Co-Founder of Scholarly Learning Academic Coaching & Tutoring

Dr. Arthur has over 30 years of teaching experience in the k-12 and university setting. He holds a professorship at a top international university and his research focuses on investigating factors that influence academic success. He has developed many curricular interventions to support student development of metacognition, learning mindset, academic tenacity, critical thinking and motivation. Consequently, he has been invited to present at universities and conferences around North America, Australia and New Zealand. He created this Academic Coaching Academy to bring evidence-informed practice to help as many people reach their goals as possible. 

His philosophy is to support students in reaching their learning goals; thus, our coaches and tutors weave into their sessions strategies to develop a growth mindset, metacognitive abilities (ability to learn how to learn), critical thinking, overcoming procrastination, and other strategies to provide students the ability to learn in any context. 

Further, he believes it is fundamental that all our academic coaches love what they do and are dedicated to supporting learners with reaching their learning goals. Get Started

Meet Mix Hart
Co-Founder of Scholarly Learning Academic Coaching & Tutoring

Mix is a published author, teacher and former college professor.  She is currently completing a creative-research  PHD at the University of British Columbia. She has been awarded numerous grants and scholarships to support her academic work.  

Her recent teaching has focused on professional, academic, and creative writing, as well as, critical reading, and fictional narrative analysis. Mix strives to teach critical reasoning, critical reading, and critical writing skills through exercises that involve analysis of all forms of media and also, writing practice. She encourages students to harness and exploit their creativity to develop exemplary communication and literacy skills.